



Bloom Where You Are Planted

It’s the week after Mother’s Day, so this seems like an appropriate time to launch Bloom. I’m so glad you came to visit! Let me tell you a little about what led to the creation of Bloom Designs.

After losing both of my parents just a few years ago, I struggled to find some purpose. Amid grieving that loss, I discovered that I had the battle of a lifetime coming my way. In the years since, I have had a cervical disc replaced, a kidney removed as a result of kidney cancer, a bilateral mastectomy due to breast cancer and a complete hysterectomy due to a large mass located on my ovary. I’ve suffered from side effects and had aches and pains in places I never knew existed. I’ve since found out that I’m stronger than I ever believed, loved more than I ever thought possible and terribly lucky to be alive.

My life has certainly changed in the past 4 years; my path has evolved and become more purposeful. I want to honor my parents memory while building something that fits in with this new life I’ve been given. My parents were “creators”, if you will; artists in their own right. My father built furniture, played the guitar, listened to Simon and Garfunkel, and was an avid hobby fisherman. My mother was a vocalist, pianist, and choir director but also enjoyed decorating, crafting and sewing. I’ve developed a love for all of those things as well and hope to find a way to tie them all together here through my words on the blog, my products and creations in the shop, and by spreading the love of creating with anyone who might be interested.

So, join me in this adventure. Feel free to ask questions, request items, give your feedback and dialogue with me here. I’ll share pictures of what I’m working on, updates on my health, tutorials and videos to show you how to make some interesting things, and I’m sure I will tell you all about my family and my fur babies because they are what keeps me going.

Bloom where you are planted.